We are always looking for great volunteers for our activities. If you'd like to join us drop us a line at [email protected] or call (509) 888-4181! Background Check: visit https://fortress.wa.gov/dshs/bcs/and complete the form, then forward your confirmation to [email protected]
Icicle Trackers Ski and Snowshoe Coaches We are looking for positive, enthusiastic coaches who are excited to meet diverse members of our community and help them prepare for the Special Olympics Winter Games.
Minimum physical qualifications: must be able to classic ski 5K at a moderate pace (ski coaches) or be comfortable hiking 1-2 miles at a moderate pace (snowshoe coaches). Time Commitment: We ask that you are able to commit to 5 Sunday practices and one or more of the Winter Games days (all dates/times below).
Dryland Practice Date: Sunday, December 8 Time: 1:30 pm-2:30 pm Location: Alpine Lakes Elementary, Leavenworth
Regular Season Practice Dates: Sundays - January 5, 12, 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23 Time: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm (Coaches arrive at 1:15 pm) Location: Leavenworth Fish Hatchery
Winter Games February 28-2
COACHES SESSIONS New Coaches Zoom Meeting Date: Monday, December 30 Time: 5:30 pm Intro to working with people with disabilities, and coach and athlete safety on and off the course.
On-Snow Coaches Clinics Date: Saturday, January 4 Times: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm (Ski coaches), 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm (Snowshoe coaches) These clinics are not required but strongly encouraged for all coaches as we will be touring the different routes athletes take and reviewing some training activities.
If you're interested in joining us email Alex at [email protected] or call (509) 888-4181.
Theatre Camp Volunteers We need volunteers for our Theatre Camp June 23-28, 2025 at Cascade High School! Actor Shadows - these volunteers help our actors as little or as much as needed with blocking, lines, songs, etc. You and your actor will be together all week and you will also be on stage (but in black, and 'invisible'). This is an all week commitment. Costume Assistants - if you can't dedicate an entire week, but want to help in someway we always need assistants in the costume shop. Sewing experience is not a necessity! You can be a runner, a gluer, an organizer, etc. Stage Crew - if you would like to help behind the scenes our stage manager will find a job for you!
Would you like to join us this year? Please drop Maren a line! [email protected]
Interested in being a volunteer or coach for Upper Valley Connection? We would love to have you! Contact us at a[email protected], through Contact Us, or at (509) 888-4181.