Through generous support of businesses like yours, our participants are able to experience the joy of being a part of a team, to develop and show off their artistic talents, enjoy quality time with their peers, and know that they live in a community that supports them!
PLATINUM LEVEL $500 + Benefits include: Eighth-page ad in Theatre Camp Production program* Logo on Theatre Camp Production Banner* Logo included on Theatre Camp production poster and mailing* Logo, and website link on website Individual recognition on social media
GOLD LEVEL $250 + Benefits include: Logo on Theatre Camp Production Banner* Logo included on Theatre Camp production poster and mailing* Logo, and website link on website Combined recognition on social media
SILVER LEVEL $100 + Benefits include: Small logo included on Theatre Camp production poster and program* Combined recognition on social media Logo listed on website
BRONZE LEVEL Up to $99 Benefits include: Name listed on website and Theatre Camp production program
*Theatre Camp is a week-long day camp involving 40 people with special needs and over 50 volunteers. This week culminates with two fully-stage performances historically attended by over 650 members of our community.
Would you like to become a UVC Sponsor? Please click the Donate button below or contact us! Whichever way you choose, we will contact you to arrange your benefits.